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Visual Pun

Above is a visual pun for GAP inspired by Hans Rudi Erdt's "Automobile Opel" advertisement, and Gene Federico's advertisement for Woman's Day Magazine.


The following is a list of key elements from the two advertisements that inspired this one:


Flat areas of color to draw attention to subject matter. (Detail was only applied to the jeans, i.e. the pockets and button, to signify that they were pants. Attention is drawn towards the actual gap and GAP's logo).


Integration of letterforms into the design itself. (A in "GAP" has the same general shapes as two legs with a thigh gap. The A accentuates the form).


Relevance of subject matter to company/product. (GAP sells jeans).


Hans Rudi Erdt, "Automobile Opel". Poster, 1911.

Gene Federico, 1934 Advertisement for Woman's Day Magazine.

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